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Board Members

Port of Tillamook Bay Board of Commissioners

The Port of Tillamook Bay is an Oregon Special District organized under Oregon Revised Statutes Chapter 777.  The Port of Tillamook Bay is led by an elected board of commissioners consisting of five members.  Day-to-day operations are conducted by a general manager. 

Board Positions (FY 2022-2023)

Click here to contact the Port of Tillamook Bay Board of Commissioners

Board Meetings

Open to the public with an agenda item for public comment.

3rd Wednesday of each month; subject to change. Special Meetings may occur as needed.

All notices for regular and special meetings are posted in accordance with Oregon Public Meetings Law.

Location: Port Office Main Conference Room, 4000 Blimp Blvd, Tillamook, Oregon

May contain: people, person, silhouette, seminar, crowd, room, lecture, indoors, audience, man, adult, male, and group performance


Board Rules
POTB Board Rules - Amended 05.18.2022.pdfATTACHMENT A to Board Rules - Parliamentary Procedure.pdf