Port of Tillamook Bay offers large, attractive area for development, as well as numerous existing spaces that can be matched to your needs. The Port sponsors several financing options for new building construction through general obligation, industrial revenue, revenue bonds or from a revolving fund. In addition, consider the following:
- The Port is fully served by local utilities.
- Water mains up to 8 inches, full sewer service, and 48-inch storm sewers are already installed.
- Tillamook boasts some of the nation’s lowest commercial and industrial electrical rates. Several service voltage options are available from the Tillamook PUD.
- Complete telephone and cellular service is available.
- POTB offers fiberoptic connectivity at 100 MHz and wireless at 20 MHz round out the package.
- POTB is located within the Tillamook County Economic Development Council Enterprise Zone and offers an attractive three-year property tax exemption for new and expanding non-retail businesses.
- POTB tenants within the designated airport zone are exempt from property tax.
- POTB has the finest airport on the Oregon Coast.
- POTB has convenient access to local highways, with direct routes to the industrial centers in Portland and Salem.
- Workforce training is available through federal displaced worker programs and at Tillamook Bay Community College in Tillamook.
- The area has quality public and private schools, community college, a large library, hospital and public transportation.
- Recreational activities include beachcombing, bicycling, hiking, fishing, hunting and kayaking.
- Tillamook County has over 60 miles of coastline to explore.